Помахаю скрипалю
І - заллюся.
Сигарету припалю,
Крикну: "Люся!"
А вона мені: "Не мо’".
Крикну: "*ля ти!
Тільки погомонимо
І - гуляти!"
Кущі. Дерева. Урвище.
Як тут бракує ще когось...
А вона мені: "Не *ля!
Словом, годі.
Хто це з дєвушкой гуля
При негоді?"
А воно мені - ага,
Просто рана.
Бо та Люся, як ляга,
То старанна.
Похожие новости.
Don’t Treat Me Like A Fool
It’s been hard wakin’ up, wakin’ up to the truth I’ve been so blind, couldn’t see for love no. Tried my best to ignore it, wish the pain away But just like tomorrow,
I’m Not Your Toy
Your love is like a stubborn youth That you'd rather deny I'm walking on a broken roof But I'm looking at the sky It's all false love and affection You don't want me, you just
Learn My Lesson
Tonight the sunset means so much The one thing that you know you'll never touch Like the feeling, the real thing I reach out for that sweet dream But somehow the darkness wakes me
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The Return Of Alex
In a world designed by the men in grey who decide how we live and breathe, there's a masterplan for the company man from the cradle to the company grave. They thought that you'd