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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 18.07.2012

I'm just driftwood
Drifting with the winds that blow across the sky
I can't always be here with you, babe
I'm just driftwood drifting by

Our lives came together
Somehow we came to mingle for a while
Like two colors of the rainbow
We blended well together for a while

But I won't ever anchor down
The Lord above has numbered all my days
I'm just driftwood
And I think it's time I drifted on aways

I'm just driftwood
Drifting with the winds that blow across the sky
I can't always be here with you, babe
I'm just driftwood drifting by

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Thank You

Thank You

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It's a worldwide, no we know you can't come back, No we know you can't come back, Cause you look so right, cause you look so right [x2] Now come here, stop, drop



Go Go Go Go Я наливаю себе стакан пива А потом ещё сто грамм спирта Можно ещё виски и вино что бы Всё видеть криво сегодня день хороший И я прекрасный парень моя душа поёт Ведь

Hey! Baby

Hey! Baby

Hey baby Est-ce que tu veux ?tre mon amie? Hey baby Est-ce que tu veux ?tre mon amie? Quand je t?ai rencontr?e dans la rue Je m?suis dit que j?n?avais jamais vu Jamais de ma vie,

Tell Ol’ Bill

Tell Ol’ Bill

The river whispers in my ear I've hardly a penny to my name The heavens have never seemed so near All my body glows with flame. The tempest struggles in the air And to myself

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