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Love Is Here

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 27.06.2012

Hey, today's my lucky day,
trust me and "Love is here".
Hey, today's our lucky day,
honest, no need to fear.

Under starters orders they're off and running clear.
And way out front it's "Love is here".
They're passing where I stand with betting slip in sweaty hand,
I let out a confident cheer.

Hey, today's my lucky day,
trust me and "Love is here".
Hey, today's our lucky day,
honest, no need to fear.

When I've won this race I'll take you any place
and buy anything your heart desires.
And later, if you like, you can stay with me tonight
and help put out this fire.

Hey, today's my lucky day,
trust me and "Love is here".
Hey, today's our lucky day,
honest, no need to fear.

What the hell went wrong that donkey had it won?
The midget on it's back has let me down.
Now she's gone home so I check the form alone,
there's a winner that must be found.

Bollocks, today is not my day,
trust me, to pick that mule.
Bollocks, there'll be another day,
that day I will come through.
Bollocks, there'll be another day,
and on that day I will come through.

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