Inaspettata (Unexpected)
E come mi guardi
E come mi cresci
E come mi arrivi
E come mi hai dato
E come sei sempre
E come hai capito
L'appello era breve
La neve era fresca
La giacca era stretta... Tu!
Remember the feeling
The fire you started
The rush of the moment
I stopped all the searching
For reckless emotions
You were unexpected
I had to give in
I had to give up
My senses were weak for you
Inaspettata tu
Mai preoccupata tu
How far will you go?
How long is the road?
You can lead the way
Will is the power
Two days or two hours
We'll leave yesterday
Mi sai consumare
Mi sai regalare
Mi sai suscitare tu
Inaspettata uh oh
Mai preoccupata uh uh
Tutto quello che entra ed esce da te
Si chiama vita, vita
Ad un passo dal vero
Primo senso in amore
Ad un passo dall'unico progetto che ho
Non mi devi tenere
Dentro questo rumore
Non mi devo fermare
Non mi devo bruciare
And there's no way to stop it
And there's nowhere to hide
I'm just taking a chance... Inaspettata
Regalami ancora
Concetti mai stanchi
Regalami ancora
Your call was so freeing
I'm finally seeing
You brought me to life.
Senza fatica
Senza una data
Senza invadenza mai
Leo - Ant
Inaspettata tu... tu
Mai preoccupata oh oh
No, we can't let it go
And we can't let it break
If it's all that we have
Can we leave it to fate
Non c'? pioggia che guasta
Non ho limite in niente
Benvenuta era ora
Era l'ora migliore
Ad un passo dal vero
Primo senso in amore
Sto nascendo con te... Inaspettata!
Похожие новости.
She Don’t Love Me
You know if I'd seen her comin' I'd probably tried to hide But I came around the corner And she caught me by surprise There was no ice cold shoulder There was no ugly scene She
He About To Lose Me
I'm touching hands with someone seriously beautiful I feel it burning and I know I'm standing far too close I'm telling lies and if it shows I see that he don't care I
Cracked Actor
I've come on a few years from my Hollywood Highs The best of the last, the cleanest star they ever had I'm stiff on my legend, the films that I made Forget that
Три Дн
Як чекала я на тебе, - Розказати це непросто. Кожен, хто кохав той зможе Зрозуміти все без слів. Ти прийшов такий жаданий, Ти прийшов такий коханий, Але все сказати в очі Ти, чомусь, не захотів. Приспів: В нас було: Три
Єдина. В лісах застає мене темна година, Як музика в місті зненацька за рогом. Я чую: пасеться узліссям єдино- ріг (не плутати з носорогом). Я брав тебе, як фортечні мури, Я в себе вмістив стільки стріл,