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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 08.11.2012

Fade away...
All that we have dreamed of
Bergman said it all,
the magic is in the fall, so true...

When you see him tell him all that you
don't know
all how much we've grown
so I cry but like always, I don't feel
that much in here
so I sit by your side just to be near you
oh lord please don't take him yet

Now you're gone, you're with angels
I will soon come visit you
and talk about, the time we had together
and our town is filled with tears

Don't feel bad while you're there
life was only sad sad while you were here
filled with rage and fear
and now I sit by your side
but you can't hear me
you can always count on me

don't feel sad, you're with angels
I will soon come visit you
and talk about, the time we had together
now our town is filled with tears

so I sit by your side
although you're not with me
when I comfort you, when I come to you

and like always, right here by your side

don't feel sad, you're with angels
I will soon come visit you
and talk about, the time we had together
and our town is filled with tears

Похожие новости.

Ти Моя

Ти Моя

Не знаю я, як стільки літ я жив без тебе Ти ангел мій, мені тебе послало небо Моя єдина, мій подарунок долі Ти впала зіркою з небес в мої долоні Не вірю я, неначе

Все Как Прежде

Все Как Прежде

Блеск доверчивых глаз - след ошибочных лоций! Сколько я мешал встреч ненужных в коктейль Ты ведь ждешь от меня



[Originally by UK SUBS] One two three Four five six Gotta do a dance And it goes like this Yeah some little girl's gotta hold on me She's only thirteen but oh so sweet Got me down

I’m Not The One

I’m Not The One

I've been tried And I've been tested I was born tired And I never got rested Harder than Marble stone I'm better off Better off left alone Cause I'm not the one No I'm not the one You



Серые лица, улыбаются, белыми зубами. Что же вам снится, рассказали бы, поделились с нами. А на глазах, как на весах, стрелочки суетно, туда сюда. А что сказать, задачу задали, извините нам сюда. Вот это

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