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Next To Be Lowered

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 14.08.2012

He went twenty thousand light-years from home
And agreed he'll be the next to be lowered
And though he knew that life ain't just a good start
The advance did break him

Filling textures on some tear-weathered note
And on purpose he just spelled them all wrong
And though he knew that life ain't just a good start
He didn't even count with

The wild must be drawn into papers at once
And if you got money then share it too
The race will begin when it's finished of course
And if there's some money then share it too
And if there's some money then share it too

You're the oldest star ever to fall
Yet you didn't you have failed to be sold
And though you know that life ain't just a good start
Your blues' forgotten

The wild must be drawn into papers at once
And if you got money then share it too
The race will begin when it's finished of course
And if there's some money then share it too
And if there's some money then share it too 2x

And if there's some money then share
And if there's some money then share

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Тепло твоїх очей Моє серце зігріває Кохав але тепер Нічого вже немає Я вмер для себе вмер Вже не летить моя душа До сонця в небо Тепер лише тепер Зникає в темряві усе Чого так треба Ти хотів нести свої

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Корабельные рассказы про любовь - В них не всё понятно сразу - Слишком много слов. Но как только поднимают паруса - Смотрю назад. Припев: Моя любовь В водовороте слов. А я за ней В водовороте дней. Опрометчиво в дорогу без

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