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Be Gentle

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 23.07.2012

late at night at half past two
you turn up the song that's on the air again
as loud as you can
it's an awfull tune they play
but somehow it makes you feel that way you did
for so many days

and then you sing:
be gentle to me when i fly
be gentle to me when i cry
be gentle now and then
hoped you'd never let me slip away
but you did it yesterday

open up the window wide
then you sing that song into the night and wish
that someone gets your call
then you dance until your shirt
is wet and everyone's awake around
oh, it takes a lot

and then you sing:
be gentle to me when i fly
be gentle to me when i cry
be gentle now and then
hoped you'd never let me slip away
but you did it yesterday

be gentle
be gentle
every now and then

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