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Let’s Stop Pretending

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 23.07.2012

Let's stop pretending the whole world is happy
And the wrong things we're doin' are right
Old faded blue jeans with a patch on the pocket
Won't wipe out what keeps us uptight.

This song I'm singin' won't be worth my time
If you don't understand what I mean
Let's stop pretending that pole cats don't smell
And dirty ole hatbands are clean.

We're all on vacation with no peace of mind
And really not havin' much fun
We need some noses back down on the grindstone
Cause we've got some work to be done.

Let's stop complainin' and face up to life
And weed out the bad seed we've sown
Let's keep in mind we're the home of the brave
For the sake of ole Glory alone.

Let's stop pretending we know all the answers
And bow down our thick heads and pray
Denying the problems we now have upon us
Won't keep them hard times away.

This song I'm singin' won't be worth my time
If you don't understand what I mean
Let's stop pretending that pole cats don't smell
And dirty ole hatbands are clean.

This song I'm singin' won't be worth my time
If you don't understand what I mean
Let's stop pretending that pole cats don't smell
And dirty ole hatbands are clean...

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