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One Word (Straight To The Heart)

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 17.08.2012

One word, one heart, one night, is all I want,
One word, one heart, one girl, is waiting there for me;

Nidnight, and all is well,
I hear the mission bell,
Out on the road, nothing is moving,
As I speed from town to town;

Two hearts are beating fast,
But they are still many miles apart,
Oh the mood was shining on a distant shore,
Burning like a fire in my heart,
I've got to see her, I've got to say -

One word, one heart, one night, is all I want,
One word, one heart, one girl, is waiting there for me,
I never knew I cared so much before,
I've got to tell her tonight - straight to the heart,
I'm going to tell her tonight - straight to the heart,
I've got to tell her tonight - straight to the heart,
Like a cannonball...

Headlights are blazing through,
Turn on the radio, I hear the news,
Hand on the wheel, foot on the floor,
And on, and on, and on we go,
This car is like a friend,
Bring her the message that I want to send,
Oh the dawn was breaking and I saw the sun,
Burning like a fire on the bay,
I'm nearly there now, I'm gonna say -

One word, one heart, one night, is all I want,
One word, one heart, one girl, is waiting there for me,
I never knew I cared so much before,
I've got to tell her tonight - straight to the heart,
I've got to tell her tonight - straight to the heart,
I've got to tell her tonight - straight to the heart,
Like a cannonball...

One word, (yes,) one heart,
One night, (yes,) one girl, (yes,)
I've got to tell her tonight - straight to the heart,
I've got to tell her tonight - straight to the heart,
I've got to give her my love - straight to the heart,
I've got to give her my love - straight to the heart,
I've got to tell her myself - straight to the heart,
I've got to tell her tonight - straight to the heart,
Like a cannonball...

Похожие новости.



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