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Making Yourself So Lonely

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 14.11.2012

Verse 1:
On the phone you spoke
Picking bones with my friends and lovers
You said, 'I think you're living in a bubble, darling'
So, I thought it through and thought that maybe you could be on to something
After all, we all have our little blind spots, don't we?
And I looked' I took a good look around me, darling
And we stepped, we took a good step away from familiar humdrum
Such unforgettable and truly magical times

Verse 2:
Stop! There I go again, like a fool, trying to paint the perfect picture
It's easy to romanticise when you're in the distance, darling
But it wasn't easy was it, I mean, you never really seemed truly happy
And there I was, drunk in love and drowning on a daydream, daily
As you stripped, you stripped me away like paint work, darling
And you picked; you picked me apart and left me in a million pieces
No need to sympathise, but try to realise this:

You're making yourself so lonely, darling
It's making me feel so lost to know
Stop making yourself so lonely, darling, please.

Verse 3:
So, looking back now it's funny how
I really had the blinkers on me
Like a firework, free falling, 'til I hit the concrete floor
Where my friends picked me back up and held me, darling
It was them and the family who really got me back to hear the music
I hope you got the same and cut out your love games, cos?

Chorus (x2)

Verse 4:
Yes, it's obvious,well I shouldn't really need to say this, but,
The truth is that I miss you.

Похожие новости.



Поле наледью покрылось, я упал, поскользнулся, И четвертиночка разбилась, до нее дотянулся И остатки вылил в рот скособоченный. Может, все-таки заберет, очень хочется, Может, все же заберет, куда денется, Может, все тогда пройдет, все изменится. ПРИПЕВ:

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