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Honking Antelope

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 28.06.2012

Why dont you go photograph
Everything that ever passed in time,
Indigenous traces, tribal chiefs,
Vanishing hereditary lines,
Poets gone wild on the muse
Prophets all destroying the Tao,

When you see that honking antelope,
The secret dance of snakes, the tales of it all,

Nature based being will survive
Apocalyptic days of now,
Poets gone wild on the muse
Prophets all destroying the Tao,

When you see that honking antelope,
The secret dance of snakes, the tales of it all,

Of it all,
Run away with me now,
Run away with me now,
My life,

We are the cause of a world thats gone
Nature will survive us human dogs after all,

Why dont you go photograph
Everything that ever passed in time,
Poets gone wild on the muse
Prophets all destroying the Tao,

When you see that honking antelope,
The secret dance of snakes, the tales of it all,
When you see that honking antelope,
The secret dance of snakes, the tales of it all,

Of it all,
Run away with me now,
Run away with me now,
My love,

We are the cause of a world thats gone
Nature will survive us human dogs after all,
We are the cause of a world thats gone
Wouldnt it be great to heal the world
With only a song

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