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Days Like This

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 13.09.2012

I can smell that fresh coffee beginnin' to brew
From the swing on this deck with a heck of a view
Of the sun burnin' steam off the lake and the dew off the ground

The weatherman's callm' for clear as can be
And I believe that he's right
'Cause my stubborn left knee is feelin1 awful dang good
And that's just what I'm needin' right now

So don't bring me the paper, don't turn on the news
If it'll fire me up, keep it away from my fuse
If the world's goin' to hell, let it go, I'll just blow it a kiss
Don't wanna think about things like that
On days like this

Some days are just made for a big change of plans
So bring me your body and baby let's dance
You're all that I want on my mind and my hands right now
Right now baby

So don't bring me the paper, don't turn on the news
If it'll fire me up, keep it away from my fuse
If the world's gone to hell, let it go, I'll blow it a kiss
Don't wanna think about things like that
On days like this

No don't bring me the paper, don't turn on the news
If it'll fire me up, keep it away from my fuse
If the world's gone to hell, let it go, I'll blow it a kiss
Don't wanna think about things like that
On days like this

Days like this
Not today baby

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