The Devil’s Eye
Can you hear me, are you listening, has your programme disappeared?
I can see you, I am watching you, I've been planning this for years.
I have blacked out you television, every station in the world is mine,
And there are millions who are just like you as you sit there, paralysed!
I have some orders which you will follow, and there's nothing you can do,
'Cos as you're looking at your T.V. screen, I am looking back at you...
Oh side by side,
We will cross that great divide,
'Cos nothing's gonna save you now from the Devil's eye!
Oh nothing's gonna save you now from the Devil's eye...
Turn your dial to the number that is shining on your screen,
You will notice that everything is red, you won't need blue or green,
All around me, fire is burning, yes I'm calling you from Hell,
And all those people who haven't seen me yet, will soon be under my spell.
Something's happening, sounds like thunder, maybe the Lord is on His way,
He's still angry and He's after me since I cheated on the Spanish Train,
Oh yes He's coming, and He could stop me, but He'd better make it soon,
'Cos the last time that I won a world, I made it into a moon...
Oh side by side,
We will cross that great divide,
'Cos nothing's gonna save you now from the Devil's eye;
Oh side by side,
Forever we will ride,
'Cos nothing's gonna save you now from the Devil's eye!
I can see you,
I can see you, I can see you...
Похожие новости.
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Мої Зор
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