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Black Gold

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 16.08.2012

Hold your head as high as you can
High enough to see who you are, little man
Life sometimes is cold and cruel
Baby no one else will tell you so remember that

You are Black Gold, Black Gold
You are Black Gold

Now maybe no one else has told you so
But you're golden, baby
Black Gold with a diamond soul
Think of all the strength you have in you
From the blood you carry within you
Ancient men, powerful men
Built us a civilization

They'll be folks hell-bent on putting you down
Don't get burned
Not necessarily everyone will know your worth
Think of all the strength you have in you
From the blood you carry within you
Ancient men, powerful men
Built us a civilization

Think of all the strength you have in you
Powerful, powerful men
Built us a civilization

Hold your head as high as you can
High enough to see who you are, little man
Life sometimes is cold and cruel
Baby no one else will tell you so remember that

You are Black Gold, Black Gold
You are Black Gold

There'll be folks hell-bent on putting you down
Don't get burned
Not necessarily everyone will know your worth
Think of all the strength you have in you
From the blood you carry within you
Ancient men, powerful men
Built us a civilization

Think of all the strength you have in you
Powerful, powerful men
Built us a civilization

Hold your head as high as you can
High enough to see who you are, little man
Life sometimes is cold and cruel
Baby no one else will tell you so remember that

You are Black Gold, Black Gold
You are Black Gold

Think of all the strength you have in you
From the blood you carry within you
Ancient men, powerful men
Built us a civilization

All the strength
All the blood
That you carry
Ancient men
Powerful men
In you
Built us a civilization

Hold your head as high as you can
High enough to see who you are, little man
Life sometimes is cold and cruel
Baby no one else will tell you so remember that

You are Black Gold, Black Gold
You are Black Gold

You are Black Gold, Black Gold
You are Black Gold

You are Black Gold, Black Gold
You are Black Gold

You are Black Gold, Black Gold
You are Black Gold

Hold your head as high as you can
High enough to see who you are, little man
Life sometimes is cold and cruel
Baby no one else will tell you so remember that

You are Black Gold
You are Black Gold
You are
You are
You are
Hold your head up
Don't give up
You are Black Gold
You are
You are
Black Gold
Black Gold, Black Gold, Black Gold

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