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Every Friday Afternoon

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 10.09.2012

She called me up this morning
Said there's something you should know
There's a job back home in Boston
And I think I'm gonna go
My parents are in Cambridge
And I've got some old friends there
And I know you think this isn't fair

And the tears started falling
There was nothing I could say
Even if I fight it someone loses either way
Oh it might as well be China or the dark side of the moon
There's no way I can be there every Friday afternoon

I have him every weekend, he's got his own room here
He's all that's kept me going these last three years
There's little league in Boston, oh but who will coach his team
How's he gonna grow up without me

And the tears started falling
There was nothing I could say
Even if I fight it someone loses either way
Oh it might as well be China or the dark side of the moon
There's no way I can be there every Friday afternoon

What about Christmas, if I can't get off of work
What about his birthday, if I'm not there he'll be hurt
And I know the day is coming when she'll find someone new
But he'll never love him like I do
Well it might as well be China or the dark side of the moon
There's no way I can be there every Friday afternoon

Похожие новости.



Кто там ждал вестей? Эй! Ок, Лето будет жарким на все сто с лишним дней! Скорей, будите всех соседей и друзей, Да понаглей... Нет, ты не будешь не в теме с теми, Кто как цунами

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Розхристана осінь до неба протягує віти, І листя опале сльозами вмивається знов, А їй би хоч промінь, хоч краплю якоїсь блакиті, Щоб знов повернути загублену в мандрах любов. Приспів: Любове моя, повернись, озовись, В душі забрини

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