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Rescue Me

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 21.08.2012

Our story's old,
Older than the wind,
It's been this sad for years,
How can we pretend,
When we all know just how it's gonna' end.

Rescue me,
In the middle of the ocean,
Crashing down, it's always hard to breathe,
Some say its easier to give up on it,
I say it's time to rescue me.

Lost and lonely people staring back,
Afraid to try,
Some of them heal, same as you and I,
The difference is all wrong but not behind,

So I need you now

Rescue me,
In the middle of the ocean,
Crashing down, it's always hard to breathe,
Some say its hard to make the changes,
Rescue me and I'll never be the same,

Rescue me,
In the middle of my darkest hour,
Time will tell,
I never really had the power,
Some say it's easier to give up on it,
I say its time to rescue me.

We gotta get out,
How foolish how we've been,
Saying it's all been a waste of time,
We may lose, and we may win,
But its not the same we will rise again,

Rescue me,
In the middle of the ocean,
Crashing down, it's always hard to breathe,
Some say its hard to make the changes,
Rescue me and I'll never be the same,

Rescue me,
In the middle of my darkest hour,
Time will tell,
I never really had the power,
Some say it's easier to give up on it,
I say its time to rescue me.

Rescue me,
In the middle of the ocean.

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