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Just ‘Cause We Can

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 06.08.2012

Honey, for our date tonight
I’ve got the perfect place to go
I was thinkin’ ‘bout a candlelight seafood dinner
At this little place on the Gulf of Mexico
Don’t look at me like I’m crazy darlin’
Just hear me out
Cause we can be there by tomorrow
If we pack up and hit the road right now
We’ll spend the night in Birmingham
At your brother’s house on the way down
Then we’ll find us a motel room with and ocean view
Boy, take my hand
Let’s get wild and free
We sure could stand
A little just you and me
Don’t need no reason other than
Just ‘cause we can
We’ll go for a day or two and just hang out on the beach
It might turn into a week or so, or who knows
Honey, we may never leave
I bet you could get a gig sellin’ hot dogs on the boardwalk
And I could make a buck or two playin’ Buffett tunes
Boy, take my hand
Let’s get wild and free
We sure could stand
A little just you and me
Don’t need no reason other than
Just ‘cause we can
So, baby, grab your flip flops, a little Coppertone
And a change of clothes
There ain’t no tellin’ where this might lead
Boy take my hand
Let’s get wild and free
We sure could stand
A little you and me
Don’t need no reason other than
No, we don’t need no reason other than
Ah, just ‘cause we can
Just ‘cause we can
Ah, just ‘cause we can

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