Dull To Pause
With every morning chore
You look around once more
So that your eyes will adjust
To all the grain and dust
All the time
Spent over nothing
Seems like you're done
You are
I was pacing around
And just recording it down
I had nothing to say
I'm done for another day
'Cause I don't wanna share you
So don't say goodnight
Don't say goodnight
It's too dull to pause
And to remember the cause
It's just to dull to care
So we cue from the northern air
And the icy edge
Will steal our reflections
When we pass on by
When we pass by
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We’ll Never Die!
we'll never die! we'll never die! tes pauvres mains tenues tu pries ? corps perdu we'll never die! ton sang lavera nos fronts les vautours t'embrasseront we'll never die! petit gar?on perdu le d?sert t'a d?chu we'll never die! ta vie