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Fool’s Castle

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 06.06.2012

(Tommy Collins)
« © '66 Red River Songs, BMI »

It's a big house on a hilltop fine carpets on the floor
Expensive polished marble are the steps up to the door
Vines are climbin' up to the roof top as if there's something they'd like to hide
People call it a Fool's Castle and I'm the fool that lives inside
The girl is gone that warmed the castle now it's dark the flame has died
It's a big house on a hilltop without love and without pride
People call it a Fool's Castle and I'm the fool that lives inside
She used to live here I thought she was lucky
she had what most girls only dream of
I gave her diamonds silk and satin I gave her everything but love
And with my giving I gave her nothing she wanted only to be by my side
Yes they call it a Fool's Castle and I'm the fool that lives inside
The girl is gone that warmed the castle...

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