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I’ll Take A Chance

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 24.09.2012

[ Both ]
If you don't want to run around if you wanna settle down
I'll take a chance on loving you
[ Bonnie ]
If you will be my very own
[ Merle ]
If you'll be mine and mine alone
[ Both ]
I'll take a chance on loving you
[ Merle ]
There's a lotta pretty girls in this wide wide world
But none of them should hold a life to you
[ Bonnie ]
You're the nicest the neatest the cutest and the sweetest
And I'll tell you what I'm gonna do
[ Both ]
If you don't want to run around...
[ Bonnie ]
Did you really mean it or did I just dream it when you said I was the one for you
[ Merle ]
Too late to forget it too late to regret it the day that I fell in love with you
[ Both ]
If you don't want to run around...

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