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That, That Is Iv: That Is

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 20.09.2012


That talk is just a worry and a worry in a man
That life is just a worrying and getting in a mess
That deal is just awakening his spirit to be giving him
The pleasure of the giving things within

That word is in it, that talk is in it
This day is of a meeting of the manner to be borne
And like a ship you come safely to the shore of love eternal

That beat is of the wanting of the where you're going
That street talk is the basis of the push and shove
They never told you that you have the right
The spirit of the angel, angels sing "Shaava, shava shava-Shaava"

They be waiting for you, they be asking for you
We depending on you, we depending on your healing of the structure
Until you reach and touch your own redemption

They never give you a reason, they never give you a reason
They never give you a, give you a, give you a, give you a reason

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Если взять с полки стакан, Налить в него уксусу, К губам поднести, Нет, нет, после того, что ты пил, Тебя уже не должны унести. Если вбить, вбить в стену гвоздь, Взять верёвку, сделать петлю из неё, Нет,

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