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I’m Running

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 20.08.2012

(Trevor Rabin/Chris Squire/Jon Anderson/Tony Kaye/Alan White)

Help me out tomorrow
Don't want to be alone
Keep falling over
A spell that brings me sorrow
Give and take
I shouldn't be afraid
So you give me this big story
It wakes me every day
The challenge is to chase the sounds
Just to break away

And I'm running
Yes I'm running
A simple peace
Just can't be found
Waste another day
Blasting all their lives away
I've heard the thunder
Tunneling away
At the very soul of man

And I'm running
Yes I'm running
I'm running
Through a new world

There is the heart of millions
Seen as a godsend to us
There stands our future
There can be no denying
Simple as A B C D
There stands our children's lives

All in the sharp step
As one together
All in all we race
As one
This time

A simple peace
Just can't be found
Waste another day
Blasting all their lives away
I've heard the thunder
Tunneling away
At the very soul of man
At the very soul of man

And I'm running
I'm running

See through science
Part of a back door
A door made up of doors
To an endless time
To a new world

There in the heart of millions
Seen as a godsend to us
There stands our future
There can be no denying
Simple as A B C D
There stands our children's lives

All in the sharp step
As one together
All in all we race
As one
This time

Hear this voice
Now and forever
This time, brothers in time
Is it hard to take
Take this coice
Is it hard to find
Now and forever
This fire brothers of fire
Hard to find

As it kicks so hard
Hard to find
As it kicks on time
As it kicks on time

There in the heart of millions
Seen as a godsend to us
There stands our future
There can be no denying
Simple as A B C D
As it kicks so
As it kick so
As it kick so
There in the heart of millions
Seen as a godsend to us

All in a sharp step
As one together
All in all we race
as one
this time

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