Rock N Roll Dream
Deep water all around me,
Circle sharks all about,
Deep in trouble, had me turned around,
Man up and one man down,
You pretty women gather 'round,
You can't pick up not a single sound,
You feel you're winning,
That's what it's all about,
Knowing you are winning, oooh,
And it could be the very last time,
I could be in a rock 'n' roll dream,
I could be in a rock 'n' roll dream,
Circle sharks all about you,
You come up and you don't know why,
Where goes a woman with a warm embrace,
Does a man walk in the hard rain?
I'm amazed at the mess you found,
Coming up and I'm standing next in line,
Give into none and that one comes,
Here me hollerin' I get the most,
I could be in a rock 'n' roll dream,
I could be in a rock 'n' roll dream,
I could be in a rock 'n' roll dream,
I could be in a rock 'n' roll dream,
Circle sharks down and around,
Deep water all around, 'round, 'round,
Deep water all around, 'round, 'round
Round 'round, 'round
Round 'round, 'round
I could be in a rock 'n' roll dream,
I could be in a rock 'n' roll dream,
I could be in a rock 'n' roll dream,
I could be in a rock 'n' roll dream
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