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That Which I Have Lost

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 09.10.2012

He's fighting the forces of darkness limitation
Falsehood and mortality which bar him
The way back into the higher world
While his whole being is bewildered
He does not know - no law of action
Taking refuge inside himself and he's saying

I need someone to show me
Illumine my consciousness
Remove the dark from in me
And give me that which I have lost

As all had seemed lost a light from Heaven
A flash - inward illumination
Enriched his life more than any words can tell
He stood there, life renewed fresh as rain
Scales were falling from his eyes again
The bolts of his prison opening - he's saying

I found someone who showed me
Illumined my consciousness
Removed the dark from in me
And given me that which I have lost

You people don't have time to listen to him
You're too busy fighting revolutions
That keep you back down in the lower world
Your mirrors of understanding they need
Polish away the dust of desire
Before pure light will reflect in them

You need someone to show you
Illumine your consciousness
Remove the dark from in you
And give you that which you have lost.

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