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Your Love Is Forever

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 19.07.2012

Sublime in the summertime, warm and lazy . . .
These are perfect days like Heaven's about here,
But unlike summer came and went -
Your love is forever,
I feel it and my heart knows
That we share it together.

Resigned to the wintertime's cold and dreary
Peering into fire flames, burning I know
That unlike winter came and went
Your love is forever
I feel it and my heart knows
That we share it together

I feel it and my heart knows you're the one
The guiding light in all your love shines on
The only lover worth it all
Your love is forever.

Похожие новости.

Тільки Для Тебе

Тільки Для Тебе

День промайнув, в небі ясні ніч вишиває зірниці. Милий заснув, тільки мені, тільки мені ще не спиться. Я притулюся до нього, лагідно так обійму, Марні розвію тривоги і проспіваю йому: Тільки для тебе, милий,

I’m Still Crying

I’m Still Crying

I'm still crying One final touch of your hand But I just don't understand You're out of sight, out of mind Not out of my heart The memory of a kiss I sit back and reminisce How



Stevie was a boy Who turned into a man He never had no master plan But I knew that he could Find right from wrong Sing me a different song He told me which road to

I Do Not Hook Up

I Do Not Hook Up

[Verse 1] Oh sweetheart, put the bottle down You've got too much talent I see you through those bloodshot eyes There's a cure you've found it Slow motion sparks You caught that chill Now don't deny it But



(for о.с.) Странник её стран поисками дорог без войны знает простой план знает его срок видит сны Видит, как с рассвета до темна сходит за окном её с ума сломанный ветер видит, как танцует на песке тот, кто от тоски на

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