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El Coyote

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 28.09.2012

They call him a bandit and you know the notches that he ought to wear on his gun
He sees you through eyes he's partially blinded from staring to long at the sun
But he's true to his school and he's nobody's fool and he's lucky to still be alive
The wolf pack will die when it's scattered by man lonesome coyotes survive
He burried his feelings and life was a mountain that he was determined to climb
Then he caught the scent of a sister in spirit who taught him to love her in time
Somehow or other she gathered together the cubs that he sired on the way
And they run by his side through the chill hungry night
And they sleep to his sweet serenade
There's a part of his heart up in heaven and a part that will always be wild
And all he can leave them is love and a reason
To run for the rest of their lifves lonesome coyotes survive

[ guitar ]
There's a part of his heart...

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