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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 26.06.2012

Woke up this morning the border was burning my mind
Things that I seen that I couldn't be leaving behind me
Down in this hole in the ground there ain't nothing to see
But down in Michoacan paradise waits for me
North of the border the bodies are bought and they're sold boy
Me and a brother was caught turning green into gold
I'm gonna pay for my crime till the day that I'm free
But down in Michoacan paradise waits for me
A rusty car rode across the border I was inside
I had two dogs my red guitar and my teenage bride
We took a look at a shot in the dark and we found a home
Where the flowers bloom in Michoacan

[ horns ]
A rusty car rode across the border I was inside
I had two dogs my red guitar and my teenage bride
I'm gonna clean up my act and go back to where I belong
Where the flowers bloom in Michoacan

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